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Monday 30 October 2006

Sugar Free Day 2

I've just read a book that I hope will change my life forever. It's called Why do you overeat? When all you want is to be slim by Zoe Harcombe.

As happens with every book I read, I have identified with some of the symptoms that point to Candida overgrowth. The constant varying stages of Thrush I endure might have been a giveaway!

I also eat low fat/high carbs and much more sugar[treats] than before. I eat truckloads of mushrooms, fruit and have balsamic vinegar on all my salads. Guess what - feeding the yeast infection.

So since yesterday I have been [roughly] on the 5 day stage one diet [I didn't give up my diet coke though] and feel so different.

I am eating veges, protein and one serve of rice a day - essentially low carb and NOTHING with sugar including all condiments [BBQ sauce - my favourite has gone].

The main surprise is that I am not hungry all the time. This is such a relief after nearly 2 years of calorie counting. I am not starving and teetering on the edge of a binge everyday.

Apparently, there are some hideous withdrawal symptoms to come along with some equally ugly Candida die off physical ailments, but at this point, I am doing good.

Once the first 5 days are over, whole grains are back on the menu as long as I have a carb meal or a protein meal without combining the two. Veges are unrestricted which suits me fine!

I don't appear to have lost weight but I feel lighter, my stomach isn't bloated and did I mention that I'm not hungry all the time...

Hopefully I can keep this up, I will lose those last 3 pesky kilos and find a lifestyle I can sustain. I live in hope ...

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