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Wednesday 21 February 2007

Addictive Behaviour

Some people have an addictive personality, some people don't.
Guess which category I fall in to?

I am on holiday in Far North Queensland by myself. There is only dial-up in the room which is $.80 for a local call. I decided that I would do without the internet for this week.


I am addicted to the internet. I need to read all your blogs, check out the latest dramas on the forums and search out obscure bits of information that pop into my head. I also need to figure out how long my run is [] and what the weather is doing tomorrow [it has rained since I arrived yesterday and is supposed to rain all week].

By the way, I learnt a lesson regarding Ipods - don't get them damp by running in the rain. I have two with me [one has all my songs on it, and the mini one just exercise tracks] and I have wrecked them both. I am mildly panicked as I don't know how I will run tomorrow without my "Cardio Coach" to guide me through the intervals. DAMN! I tried drying them out with the hairdryer but no luck.

H A T E not being able to weigh myself everyday. Although I have eaten OK [a bit more than normal due to being stuck inside with not much to do] I feel wildly out of control without my daily weight check in. Another symptom of an addictive personality ...

It is nice to wake up every morning with nothing planned for the day. It is nice to take as long as I like to exercise. It is wonderful to run in the tropical rain that gently cools you down while you sweat. It is even more amazing to jump in the pool at the end of your exercise session and then "cool down" in the spa.

Only drawback with all the activity is I am hungry all the time. I guess I should eat more as I am expending more but it makes me nervous. I never really know how many calories I have burned as my HR monitor is different to other methods of calculating exercise expenditure. I don't want to be eating up calories I haven't really burnt off! At least with food you can weigh and measure it and be fairly certain what calories go in. But calories out is more guesswork than science.

Not much chance in this weather to show off my bikini or to fix my tan. I guess that will teach me to come to the tropics in the wet season! How depressing ...


  1. Ahh Katie, we are so alike - I always pay for the internet when I am away from home - after all depriving yourself of something that makes you happy is not worth a few dollars! And I use it for all the reasons you mentioned.

    I have been thinking about your eating choices (to low carb or not to low carb) and whilst I'm not sold on low carb myself - I think its actually the happiest you've been whilst you've been following it, and felt most in control of your life. So I guess what I'm saying is that I think its still a good choice for you, but maybe every now and then you need to mix it up a bit, if you're feeling really lethargic?
    Cheers for now

  2. By the way, what I loved most about my holiday recently was the time I had to relax and enjoy my exercise routine - an early morning run, followed by a lazy rest/recovery, followed by a lazy beautiful breakfast, and then a weights session outdoors (I was camping), then getting changed for what ever the day held (maybe a walk/bike ride) at about midday! You can't beat that - enjoy your time!

  3. Thanks Lisa
    The fatigue is much improved since I stopped worrying about the carbs in veges - I mean carrots CAN'T be bad for you. Today I ran in the middle of the afternoon after chicken, pumpking, broccoli and carrots for lunch and had a great session. I'm so full of energy these days I am still getting up at 7am everyday as I don't need to sleep in anymore!!
