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Sunday, 26 August 2007

Getting Ugly

When I consider what I was doing when I was at my smallest weight I recall that I was doing a lot of cardio.

Although the advocates of weight/strength training mostly debunk cardio as a waste of time I suspect that I get the leanest when I run. In order to test this theory I have decided it is time to 'get ugly' in a serious way.

Because I am aware that running is a high risk undertaking for injury I am going back to basics and starting off slowly. Today I did W1D1 of Couch to 5k. I ran/walked 4 ks in 35 minutes.

My focus is now going to be on being an a proper athlete. I am going to run or walk everyday, do at least two yoga classes a week for upper body strengthening and I am not going to DIET anymore.

That's right folks, no carb or calorie counting. I am going to eat well and exercise hard. Today I ate sultanas, an apple, wholegrain bread and a few rice cakes along with some eggs, chicken and salad. No junk just glorious healthy food. I have obviously being doing something wrong if I have been hungry and tired all the time.

I have been searching for blogs of ladies past 40 who have turned into lean, mean running machines but without much luck. So if you know of any please let me know. One day soon I am going enter a proper race, and I might even emulate Josie's and Jonathan's amazing running feats.


  1. Good on ya!
    Cardio has to be really important for dropping fat - all the fitness guru's with fab bodies all use it - just not hours and hours of it.
    Plus cardio is really important for good health.

    And watch my space -because I'm going to turn into one of those 40+ lean, mean running machines!

  2. The only one I know is Kek, but she advocates weights too... but she is awe inspiring!

    I think you are on the right track by the way. Good luck!

  3. I have never seen your blog before! Looks like we have a lot in common! You will see lots of body building ladies hover around Kek's blog, I also have a LIZ on my blogroll and she is fabulous also. Love your pic of that girl! I have also decided that I no longer want to be thin, but muscular!! Let's do this!!

  4. maybe try HIIT cardio for short periods?

    I know programs like BFL encouraged training like that and you could do running that way to lose weight and still build muscle.

    if not, run your ass off! i can't believe i went from a sloth to a runner in such a short time and it's definitely the reason i've become smaller. good luck :)
