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Friday 25 April 2008

Protein Pumpkin and Carrot Quichemuffin

Today is Paleo day and I was craving a cup of tea and a muffin.

I invented my own muffins tonight and they turned out a cross between a muffin and a quiche so I named it a quichemuffin.

The only small cheat was the baking powder because I didn't want flat rocks! (update: next time I am going to try them without the baking powder because it has 530 mg sodium in ONE teaspoon - OUCH)

Makes 4 muffins which for me is one serving (because you all know I eat a LOT)

Total calories (all four muffins) : 348
Fat: 7.8g
Carbs : 26.7g
Protein : 47.1g
Fibre : 4.8g
Sodium : 1031 mg

4 x egg whites
1 x whole egg
30g vanilla or natural protein powder
100g grated carrot
100g grated butternut pumpkin
1 x teaspoon baking powder
Dash cinnamon
(you can add artificial sweetener if you want but I find flavoured protein powder sweet enough)

Preheat oven to approximately 200 degrees Celsius

Mix 4 egg white and 1 whole egg in a bowl. Mix in protein powder, then carrots and pumpkin, sprinkle baking powder on top and mix in with some cinnamon.

Pour into a non-stick muffin tin lightly sprayed with oil and bake for 20-30 minutes or until the tops start to brown. (I cooked them a bit too long - and the photo makes them look black around the sides but they tasted just fine - and filled me up).

Then eat the suckers right up - YUM!

They would be great for breakfast with yogurt or one at a time as a dessert served with diet ice-cream. I am going to make a double batch and put them in the freezer for easy portable snacks.

** I ain't no Gordon Ramsay so just because I liked them, doesn't mean you will or that they are culinary masterpieces. I just thought some of my fellow figure girls who have to do paleo too might like them as a change from chicken/fish and salad/veggies ALL DAY.

1 comment:

  1. Quichemuffins look damn good... as for the shirts - I'll give you the website details if you like.

    I'm not making any money from it - it's just because I want to and a bit of fun.

    I send it to you on an email

