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Saturday 19 July 2008

FHMF - 20 July Challenge - Review Week One

Sunday is the end of week one.

Post a list of your accomplishments under the headings of mind, body and spirit. Everything must be listed with a positive statement (none of that "I did not eat _____" or "I didn't give up" instead "I chose to eat _______" or "Even though I was exhausted I kept going").

Focus must always be on what you achieved, not what you didn't. Every single thing you did to progress towards being a FHMF is worth celebrating. The things you planned to do but didn't don't matter.

For those unofficial team members who aren't trying to get HHUUUGGGEE, and are instead trying to get smaller, try to resist logging the amount of weight you lost this week because the number on the scale is not something you can control nor is it a true indicator of progress. You could reflect instead that as a result of completing all this week's challenges you have experienced positive changes in your body composition.

If your week was sh*t then just list three things you did, or thought, or learnt that were great. I'm off to work on mine for tomorrow (did you know you can post-date a blog post so it publishes in the future? Click on Post Options at the bottom and change the date and time to tomorrow morning).

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