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Monday 12 January 2009

Mr Polar is Back

I haven't used my Polar HR Monitor for many many months because the battery was flat and I thought I had to send it back to Polar in Adelaide to get a new one and it just seemed too hard.

After the gym today, I found a wee man in the shopping centre who convinced me he was qualified to do it for me in the shop. Now Mr Polar is back on my wrist, ready to record my daily calorie burn just like last comp prep.

It's a pity I didn't have it before I went to the gym. I had one of those cardio sessions when you feel like you could run for days ...


  1. Oh how exciting - like getting a new toy really!

    Somebody's sounding like their training's on fire - you go girlfriend!

  2. Love my polar watch...always use it and can completely appreciate how it feels when you don't have it.

    Exciting stuff!

  3. Anonymous11:43 am

    The Here is a great article about motivation
    in the gym. It helped me!
