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Friday 27 March 2009

Responsibility and Authority

There seems reluctance for some people to take responsibility for their own actions. There is always a reason outside of their control as to why something did or didn’t happen. I find this especially prevalent at work.

I encourage you to think about what taking responsibility means and how we should view it as a positive thing.

Being responsible for something or someone gives you the authority to make all the decisions. This gives you the power to make the changes that best serve you. This even applies to things that affect you that you weren’t responsible for in the first place.

If something goes wrong (there is rarely a reluctance to take responsibility for things that go right) you will find all manner of finger pointing. Take a risk and take ownership of the issue even if it wasn’t your decision that led to the catastrophe. Now you have given yourself the authority and power to make the changes that will benefit you.

Let’s apply this to our weight loss journey. There are many things that I can legitimately say are ‘not my fault’ or ‘I can’t control’. It might be as simple as following a prescribed diet or training protocol that someone you respect recommends to you. It could be travelling for work, an emotional upheaval (death, breakup, redundancy), or a physical illness. All of these external forces can negatively impact on how you think, what you eat and how you train.

But if you take responsibility for them, you give yourself authority to change the circumstances and banish the feeling of being victimised. You can control your situation by formulating a plan, and a backup plan to deal with nearly anything.

“My husband has left me and now I am alone. I am responsible for making sure that I get through this situation as undamaged as possible. Therefore I will continue to eat well but will treat myself to a nice meal with my girlfriends at least once a week. I will take advantage of not having to be home so much and go for a run in the evenings. I will book in a massage on days I know will be the most difficult for me. If my feelings start to overwhelm me and I find myself comfort eating, I will always get right back on track the very next meal.”

“I have been following the eating plan my nutritionist gave me but I haven’t lost any weight and I feel exhausted all the time. I am responsible for taking good care of myself so I will speak with my nutritionist about my concerns. I will go to the appointment with a list of questions I need answering and some changes I want to implement. Although I value her knowledge and experience, I am the one ultimately responsible for how I look and feel. If my new plan doesn’t work, I can always make different choices in the future.”

“My job is extremely demanding and I have to work away from home for the next few weeks. I am responsible for taking care of myself so I can continue to be a high achiever at work. I will request accommodation that has a kitchen and an on site gym. I will explain to my boss that I am unable to attend all of the scheduled work functions and find other networking opportunities. I will use this time away from my normal routine to read those fitness books I haven’t had time to look at. If the pressure of the job is more than I expect then I will make my goal to maintain my weight over this period rather than focusing on weight loss.”

What you are going to choose to be responsible for today?

1 comment:

  1. I have chosen to be responsible for transforming my body into a strong, healthy, happy machine!

    I can now go to bed having accomplished another fantastic day of moving forward :)

    Have a great weekend Katie!
