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Thursday, 16 April 2009

Remember How Far You've Come

Today I did 40 pushups with my feet elevated on a step at 4 high. I squatted in the squat rack with 40 kgs on my back. I did step ups with a 20 kg barbell. Then I ran continuously for 30 minutes on the treadmill.

I have been training for over 4 years without taking more than 3 days off in a row. I am fit and in the best shape of my life.

Sometimes we concentrate so much on where we are going we forget to remember how far we've come. Turn around once in a while and gaze back at the place where you started, way off in the distance at the bottom of that valley. Look around and enjoy the view from this mountain peak. I know there are more mountains ahead, but it is time to take a deep breath and appreciate how much we have already achieved.


  1. Big round of applause gorgeous!!

    Quite often we are so focussed on the future that we forget our past and what important steps we've taken to get where we are today.

    Thank you for reminding me just how far I've come in my journey through life.

  2. Wow! Loving the pushup action xx

  3. great workout - love it!

  4. ahh just what i needed! thanks for that!
