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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

What is Healthy?

I would love to live what is considered a 'healthy' life and I admire and envy those who do. It is an outstanding achievement to be able to consistently eat clean food, have a fit strong body and to truly enjoy living that life.

If I was that person, I never would have spent 40 years of my life being obese and hardly moving from the sofa. For me, eating healthy food and being fit is a new experience.

It has never been my intention to be a perfect example of that kind of a healthy life. If you know me, you will know of my numerous vices. I binge on sugar and fried food, I walk out of spin classes, and I sometimes stay up late knowing I'm going to be crap in the gym the next morning.

The only reason I share my view of the world is in the hope that there are some of you who are going through the same struggles as me, and can find something in my experience that helps you or at least makes you feel that you are not alone.

If you love chocolate and pizza and love seeing your abs, then maybe something I am doing will help you find a way to have both. If you don't have a Mad Monkey or Inner Gollum and you don't understand the orgasmic pleasure of eating cheesecake then you are probably going to find me a little disappointing.

The one thing I am certain of is that I am happy and I love my life. Maybe that is all I need to be healthy after all?


  1. Anonymous10:42 am

    I'm with you kid - I might eat and mostly enjoy healthy food while surviving quite nicely on it, BUT, to me nothing beats chocolate and cheesecake.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the way I feel when I am eating clean but for the most part of my journey - clean days are few and far between because every day I want to have something that is not according to the 'plan'. Every day I try and make sensible choices that minimise the damage, some days it works, some days it doesn't.

    Kudos to those who don't crave junk, but it is a hard line when their views and opinions guillotine and condemn people who dont follow in their foot steps.

    I am not one of them

    The junk-lovin' Tan xx

  2. Great post, I love it because that how I feel as well, I am the same way. I love my food! I loved your Why Compete Again post too! I hope to see you at the INBA, I would love to meet you!

  3. Hi Katie,

    what a great post and one that a lot of us less-than-perfect-Figure Girls can relate to. You've inspired me start blogging again and I'm going to get back into it sooner rather than later.



  4. Hey Miss Katie, I'm so glad that I'm going to get the chance to see you compete and be backstage with you. I just wish that they would let me do Masters! I'm off by about 4 months...bugga!

    Definition of health is contentious I reckon, but if you're happy and content then I'd say that's about 99.5% of the whole crazy thing.


  5. Hey Katie. I'll say same thing to you that I just said to Shelley, being the reason I love your two blogs is that you keep me going, knowing I can get the physique I want, but still have a life. Thanks!

  6. Kek once said to me something that I love and keep repeating.

    'Maybe this is as normal as I'm going to get'.

    You've just gotta love yourself, craziness and all.


  7. Anonymous8:44 pm

    LOVE YA MISS KATIE and LOVE that I've had the pleasure of following your amazing journey.

    SO PROUD and SO COOL i'll be there to watch you smile on stage x

  8. I try to live an 85% clean life and go nuts on the other 15%. Both are more enjoyable with the other side to balance it: chocolate tastes a lot better when I haven't had it for two weeks, and eating clean feels really good after I've spent a weekend debauching.

    It's a balance. I'm always saying that I don't think weight loss is healthy. Weighing less might be healthy but the process of losing weight is brutal, it's a lot of stress on your body. So I'm not sure it's a good idea to always be on a strict program, it's probably good to let the body rest and recuperate.
