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Tuesday, 15 September 2009

100 Day Challenge - Day 49 - Triumphant Tuesday

Tuesdays are bad days, and typically binge days. I have 2 meetings at 11.00am and noon that bore me to tears and make me frustrated and cranky. I don't need to be there except for show.

Tuesdays are also the day I have my weekly meeting with my boss at 4pm. Although we get on quite well most of the time, when it comes to our weekly meetings I feel like a naughty school girl in the principals office. He never compliments me but just points out my shortcomings and makes me feel useless.

Snacking normally commences about 2pm as my crankiness turns into anxiety. My meeting with my boss always runs over so I get home late from work and I am starving for dinner. After another crappy Tuesday at the coal face, I fall face first into food.

Today was different [even though I have a semi-migraine today to add to the mix]

♥ I felt the frustration and anger in the first meeting and sat through it (the emotions and the meeting)
♥ I chose not to stay for the second meeting because I needed to eat more than I needed to sit through the meeting
♥ I scheduled another meeting from 2pm to 3.30pm that was walking the route of a planned event so I was (a) active, (b) with people I liked and (c) not required to concentrate or think too hard
♥ I went to my meeting with the boss and it was the usual crap but I chose to let as much of it as possible just slide off me
♥ On the way to the ferry one of my co-workers who I rarely speak to (because we work in different areas not because I don't like her LOL) congratulated me on my decision to go on extended leave and to take time out for myself. She is one of the very few people who understand why I am doing this. Her support made me feel great.
♥ I had healthy nachos for dinner - rice crackers, sweet chilli sauce, chicken, baked veges and cheese melted on top with sour cream - I had twice the number of crackers (a whopping 50g ) and 1/2 the chicken I normally have. Yum!
♥ Then I treated myself to dessert - dates and ice-cream and then I stopped. Dates have been my new trigger food - once a packet (500g) is open, I keep going until they are gone. Do you know how many calories in a 500g packet of dates? ... 1300 big ones!
♥ I made a new friend on the other side of the world and we chatted for an hour

So today was triumphant Tuesday. Let's celebrate this miracle and look forward to many more.


  1. Awesome job beautiful.

  2. Dates..yeah, gotta keep me away from them too (and I'm partial to prunes as well!)

  3. PS new blog format looks great!!

  4. Anonymous1:50 am

    so glad you overcame so many things :) it is little steps that will get us to where we want to be. your words are very powerful and hit so close to home with me and i am truly glad that i have "met" you. your new layout looks awesome by the way!!! :):)

  5. @Frankie -- thanks babe -- love the prunes too

    @Lizzy -- glad to have met you too -- thanks for the blog love ♥
