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Thursday, 10 April 2008

T minus 45

Weight : 57.1 kg
Yesterday's food : You have used 1246 out of your net daily budget of 1400 calories and have 154 calories remaining. 21% of the calories are from fat, 41% from protein, 38% from carbs
Exercise : Maybe later?

And then she got sick ...

In the middle of yesterday afternoon I started getting a scratchy throat and felt unwell. It got progressively worse and I got little sleep last night. Didn't even contemplate going to the gym this morning which is sad because I was looking forward to the first day of my new leg program

I felt better after breakfast and got ready for work, packing my gym gear so I could go after work tonight. But after getting to work, I feel like crap again. My throat and chest are sore and I keep getting hot and cold.

You know I still can't fathom how I am losing weight - I can't believe I am in the low 57's and it is only Thursday. Looks like 56's by weigh in day. The photo is from last Sunday. It doesn't even look like me any more - weird ...


  1. Anonymous10:35 am

    Love your blog - I have been following it for a few weeks now. Just wanted to let you know I find the whole thing fascinating and inspirational. I am toying with the idea of entering a figure comp myself and an insight into the slog of getting there is great. Out of interest could you post a day's eating diary here for us sometime ?
    Keep up the awesome work and don't let your cold get you off track.
    Lori x

  2. Anonymous11:53 am

    fuck katie, i have seen SO many photos of you in the past and in real life and this photo is fucking amazing. you look amazing. i love it. you have the ultimate body. in fact i want to stick this photo in MY wallet and strive towards it haha. no seriously. i am sure no one will understand what the hell i am on about, but you do hehe.

    get well soon!!!! i am still up for gym. i just have to work out how to get to your gym.. if i get off the train at nth syd is it easy to get to? i only know walker st FF...

  3. Miss K, You look fantastic!!
    You have done such a great job. I hope your feeling better very soon. There are lots of bugs around at the moment. I still got one and its been a week and a half!
    C XXX

  4. Holy shit, Katie. You have got a stunning body. You are really amazing for taking on, and succeeding in, the body sculpt comp. When you first suggested it, to be honest I was doubtful, and yet here you are, looking absolutely fantastic, and showing everyone that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. You really have done something truly awesome here!

  5. go to bed and stay there!...that sounds like exactly what I had-ooohhh it's a yucky one-pop lots of vitamin C-

  6. SO EXCITING! You must be seeing changes every single day!

  7. Anonymous4:46 pm


    love your blog. you are looking awsome!! Very motivating. Just wondering if you can maybe blog your food for a typical day and also when you do paleo just for those of us that need a bit of help and that have curios minds!!!

    cheers, jacque

  8. Wow, you're so much slimmer to the pics you posted in 2007 and you were slim in those too. Keep up the good work.

  9. O..M...G!!!! woman you are looking sensational!!!! So exciting!!!
    Good for you!

    I have had the horrible sore throat and runny nose to, going around everywhere it seems!

  10. Anonymous7:35 pm

    You look fantastic, keep going - don't let a poxy fish and chip festival get between you and those abs woman.

    Well done, fairy clap.

  11. Hi Katie, you look great!
    Re the scratchy throat, get lots of rest, take lots of vit C (powder in water is great, sip on it all day long) and zinc. Another good one is echinacea, but it's better taken as soon as you start to feel something come on rather than after it's already begun. I also like to have a spicy stir-fry (lots of chilli and garlic) to sweat things out. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  12. Damn you are looking good Katie, bet you never looked this good last time you were at this weight! Well done!
