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Saturday 5 July 2008

Wheat Addict

I know I have blogged about this before but I need to remind myself again of the evils of wheat. Interestingly, when I searched through my previous posts that mention wheat I realised that it was giving up wheat that broke my stall and enabled me to get through the 60 kilo wall.

For the past 6 weeks I have been struggling with my appetite. I don't eat because I'm bored, tired or lonely, I (over) eat because I am hungry all the time.

The only real difference between my pre- and post- contest diet is that I have introduced bread and wheat back into my diet.

When it comes to choosing my top ten 'reward' foods, they all contain wheat flour. If I have to choose between sugar or wheat I will pick the wheat every time. Best of all is the wheat WITH sugar but just sweets on their own don't really do it for me. Let me near a bakery or a muffin shop and I am insatiable (literally).

Perhaps this is why ...

Ironically, some people who are sensitive to wheat products crave these foods and have trouble not overeating them. Addictive eating can occur with any food, but wheat seems to be a particularly common addictive food, as most nutrition counselors and members of Overeaters Anonymous will attest. Wheat contains opioids, substances with amino-acid sequences very similar to those in narcotic-like drugs. These substances can set the stage for addictions, overeating and binge eating - what I call "grain-o-mania" and "grain gluttony"--in people with undetected wheat sensitivity. If patients eat many forms of wheat throughout each day and say they can't give up wheat, that's a surefire sign to suspect hidden wheat sensitivity. Typically, cravings lift and other symptoms improve after four or five days on a wheat-free diet.

from Melissa Dianne Smith

I haven't eaten grainy bread, raisin toast, muffins, whole wheat crumpets or whole wheat crackers for four days. I feel calmer and more relaxed, like a low level anxiousness has been switched off. My digestion has improved and I am visibly less bloated. I have managed to stay within my healthy eating plan. Thank goodness.


  1. Me too! Except that luckily for me I also crave chocolate, which does NOT contain wheat, and which I don't have a problem digesting. :p

    Have you tried using buckwheat flour, Katie? I make my pancakes and waffles with oats and/or buckwheat flour, and have wheat-free muesli, so I get my "fix" of starchy foods anyway. Rice flour is handy too.

    I can tolerate small amounts of wheat, so I manage to eat bread (toast with my eggs, raisin toast, a tortilla) maybe 3 times a week. Much more than that and I'm asking for trouble.

    The craving thing is weird, but really common.

  2. Hi Katie, I am going through the exact same thing at the moment. Am eating gluten free at the moment and am also feeling more satisfied and 'even'. I even read similar research on wheat and opioids last night. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous1:07 pm

    With ya Sista on this one!!!!

  4. Anonymous9:24 pm

    Wheat has been found to be an insulin mimic, hence the cravings and weight gain ;-(.

    xox Jackie

  5. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Very interesting. I know I eat far too many wheat products and yes, I am always hungry. I'll definately look into this more. Congratulations on your good few days without it!


  6. Orright....if I order 3 copies of Gourmet Nutrition, we'd each save $15 on postage. I'll check whether Shelley or Liz want one too - we might be able to save a few extra $$.

    I'm pretty sure they'd be here by the weekend, if I order tonight - the PN materials ship super-fast, usually 2-3 working days.

    I'll let you know. :o)
