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Sunday 9 November 2008

Fern Star

Brilliant day today that started with a gym date with Miss Fern who looks amazing. We did a less than exciting spin class and then headed to the pub.

Fern is just as sweet in person as she appears on her blog. She told me all her tips and tricks and shared some of the secret to her gorgeous body.

It was lovely to spend some time with someone who gets all this competition madness. It was especially nice not to be the only one ordering salad instead of chips and leaving the bread.

She has almost convinced me to compete again next year. She says it gets easier ... we shall see.


  1. So glad to hear you had a fabulous day Katie.

    Almost convinced?

  2. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Yay Katie do it, compete go on .. Well, actually it's up to you, but that Fernster she could turn me into a physique girl and that's a big bloody deal!!! You are so lucky to train with her, and it is nice to go out with a mate who understands your choices from the menu.

  3. Anonymous5:31 am

    Oh katie, wasnt that the worse spin class ever!!! Lucky the company was awesome!!

    Right back at you - so unreal to meet you (and hubby) in person and be fab to get you over this way next time to smash the stairs with me - I swear the stairs revealed the inner hammies and glutes in me!!! WOOHOO

    AND i might add - you are looking fabulously gorgeous your self!

    Competing does get easier - it's still friggen hard, but what it has done for me is understand how my body works - which is so important!

    KEEP SMILING BABE and LIFT HEAVY xx (ps: and dont do any crap spins)
