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Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Board Meeting - How to Negotiate a Happy Outcome

There is a Board Meeting in my head. The members of the Board are all respected, long standing members of my psyche and they all have legitimate agendas. And mostly they don't agree.

Frank Fit was born to run. He loves it when my breathing is laboured and sweat runs down my back. He lives in my heart and wants it to be fit and healthy.

Sam Strong was born to lift heavy things. He loves it when there is lactic acid coursing through my body and the feeling of delayed onset muscle soreness. Sam lives in my muscles and wants me to be strong and powerful.

Eva Energy was born to move. She loves it when I eat complex carbohydrates like fresh vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Eva lives in my stomach and wants me to eat so I have plenty of energy.

Robbie Rest was born to relax and rest. He loves it when I sleep or have a massage. He lives in my nervous system and wants me to be calm and at peace.

Lilly Love was born to be a princess. She loves it when I like what I see in the mirror and when I walk with confidence and pride. She lives in my self esteem and wants me to feel beautiful.

Penelope Pleasure was born to enjoy the good things in life. She loves chocolate, ice-cream, donuts and sticky date pudding. Penelope lives in my mouth and wants me to experience the richness of life's pleasure.

Percy Planner was born to be in charge. He loves plans, order, counting and discipline. Percy lives in my will power and wants me to be in control of everything.

Fanny Freedom was born to be spontaneous. She loves breakfast in bed, late night takeaways and horizontal training (*wink*). She lives in my imagination and want me to be alive.


Every one of these people has a legitimate need that should be fulfilled, but I can't please everyone. How do I negotiate a happy compromise?

Actually - I have no idea now that I have spent my time identifying all these buggers!

What is important is that I recognise that while there are conflicting ideals and disagreements, everyone has my best interests at heart, and no-one is trying to sabotage me. I can listen to some people more often than others, but ignoring someone for long periods of time will cause more harm than good and may result in tantrums and chair throwing.

As Chairman of the Board, my job is to find a compromise reached through ebb and flow, swings and roundabouts, peaks and valleys, wax and wane. Tough job - but I'm up for it.


  1. KatieP8:23 am

    LOVE the Judge Judy idea! Working on the book deal ... :-D

  2. Anonymous8:01 pm

    Second that Shelley - Katie - you write direct from the heart - it is so refreshing to read your blog each day. Gosh goen to miss our chats! :(

    PS: Wont be there in morn - going to attempt to walk to North Sydney in the morning! Crazy shit

  3. This is an awesome way to look at it!

  4. @Shelley - love the JJ idea and I'm working on my book deal!!

    @Fern - I'm REALLY going to miss you too.

    @Trixie - Hi!
