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Thursday 6 August 2009

100 Day Challenge - Day 89 - Phase Two Underway

Phase Two -- Check Your Map -- Revisit Your Goals

Today you should revisit your goals in light of everything you learned in Phase One.

♥Frequency - is trying to do an action every single day too much to expect at this point? Review how much is 'perfect' and how often is 'progress' and make the adjustment.

♥Quality -- are some of your goals actually a bit easy for you? Are they things that you do already and are already fairly automatic? Maybe you could drop the easy stuff? Or are they just not realistic -- especially if you are injured, or trying to do too much at once?

♥Great Big Goal -- what is the one goal that is most important to you? What is the thing you need to be doing compared to what you want to be doing? If all else fails, if life goes to shit, what will you try to do no matter what? My Great Big Goal is to go for as long as I can without bingeing and if I fail (which will happen eventually) I will keep on trying to string together more and more good days in a row.

Walk the Plank -- what is your secret scary thing - can you add it to your (private) action plan to do just once? Can you pick at date when that might be?

♥Competing actions -- check for goals that are in competition with each other -- if I want to write an article a day, I won't get 7 hours sleep a night so I have to make a compromise -- in this case 3 articles and 4 early nights.

  • Take a moment to look at your goals
  • Are they too easy? too hard? too time consuming? too scary?
  • Make the adjustments that you need to now

Phase Two -- Assembling Your Crew -- Recruit Your Support Team

Doing hard things by yourself makes them even harder. We could all do with some help from people who will give us support, understanding, encouragement and the occasional kick in the butt!

Over the next 10 days we are going to pull together the people that will enable us to sail the stormy seas on our journey to find that buried treasure.

  • Who are the people who support you while staying home on dry land (pirate partners)?
  • What qualities do you want in the crew of your sailing ship?
  • Who will you choose for your first mate?

Recruitment begins tomorrow.

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